Name: Aurelia Selmy

Age: 19
Kin: Elric Selmy
City-State: Valaire
Job: Dancer
Looks: Short blonde hair and pretty hazel eyes, Aurelia is pretty but not exceptionally beautiful. It is her hair that is her downfall, a short cut that shamed her old-fashioned father ("A lady should have long hair, Aurelia, it is simply the way it is done") and makes her stand out a bit in the marketplace. She's pale and delicate in appearance and prefers to wear brighter colors, though more recently she's been wearing the darker colors of mourning. 
Personality: Aurelia used to be more of a social butterfly. She was always smiling, always happy, going from one conversation to the next with ease. Her confidence drew others to her and there were a few men who wanted to court her, despite her hair and her choice in clothing. Aurelia had many friends and some of those friends she still has, but she has become more withdrawn and quiet. It started with the talk of her marriage to a wealthy suitor, and then her father's disappearance, and now she has very little. The money to go to her dowry was used to pay bills and some of her lovely jewelry had to be sold too. Aurelia is not as happy now, not as outgoing, and it is evident to everyone around her. She is more shy and hesitant to go out. With her brother's arrival she is almost scared of what lies ahead. 
History: Aurelia's mother died when she was small and her father wasn't home much throughout her developing years. Her brother left for a distant school when Aurelia was young. Now her father is missing (he took a boat and went on a business trip and never returned) and her brother is back now and how exactly should Aurelia feel? He's been gone for years, and now he's a hovering older brother who doesn't know the first thing about her and all Aurelia can think is that Elric will either suffocate her by taking any freedom she has away or marry her off and leave. Aurelia isn't sure what would be worse... dying of confinement or being abandoned by her last family member.


Name: Edmund Renoux

Age: 23
Kin: Feng Renoux (Brother), Raven Renoux (Sister), Leif Renoux (Brother)
City-State: Lytane
Job: Prince
Looks: Edmund's tall. He's taller then both of his parents, and not a full centimeter shorter than Feng. His hair is cut shorter than his siblings', kept neat and trimmed and spiked up a little in the front.  Storm gray-blue eyes, high cheekbones, dark hair... All features belonging to the Renoux family. Edmund is more physically built then his other siblings, having the traits his older siblings lack (Feng's lack of sight made physical prowess very difficult, and the weight and height that Raven would never have has only ever worked in Edmund's favor) and years of training that Leif has yet to accomplish. Edmund is also graceful in his own way. Not graceful like Feng, carrying the weight of the crown and still standing tall and moving smoothly, and not graceful like his sister who balances everything about herself. No, Edmund has the grace of a warrior.
Personality: Edmund is, always moving, always doing something, He cannot sit still for long periods of time. This doesn't mean that Edmund takes his lessons lightly; he is actually very dedicated. Edmund just gets restless. This prince is outgoing. He is possibly the most outgoing of all the siblings. He takes time to visit with the soldiers and spends time dressed in regular clothes in order to walk through the city.  Sometimes he even invites Leif along on those trips. Edmund is proud, just like his siblings, a trait that they all take after their father. He has a drive, a want, to be better, faster, stronger, until he is the best. It causes difficultly sometimes between him and  his siblings. Despite all of Edmund's rough edges, he does have strong  gut feelings. He's not as sensitive as Leif to people's feelings and he's not always kind. Edmund is a military man, smarts geared toward tactics and strategies, but that's not all he is. Edmund's willingness to go out into the commoner's world is evidence of this.
Flair: Stamina.  Edmund's flair is stamina. He can train harder and for more hours than his siblings because he doesn't get tired.
History: Edmund was born the third child in the royal family of Lytane.  He was a happy, healthy, energetic baby. He could see where Feng couldn't and best of all he was a boy. His parents regretted naming Feng Crown Prince because Edmund seemed more capable to meet their standards just based on health, size, and appearance alone then their shy and blind older son. This attitude changed a bit when Feng started gaining confidence. Soon Feng was carrying himself better, acting more princely, and with Feng's growth people no longer looked at Edmund's "wasted potential" but at Feng's "possibilities". Edmund grew up playing outside and with weapons and horses. He took his necessary lessons indoors and played the part of the younger prince. Edmund knew he likely wouldn't inherit the throne and prided himself on his goal of being in charge of the military. So what if he wasn't to be king? Every king needed his advisors and Edmund knew more about fighting than anyone else their age. It was these thoughts that brought Edmund through his teenage years and encouraged his growth as a person.

Name: Lief Renoux

Age: 17
Kin: Feng Renoux (Brother), Raven Renoux (Sister), Edmund Renoux (Brother)
City-State: Lytane
Job: Prince
*Flair: Leif is Flairless. The only one without a Flair among the royal children, Leif tries to not let it bother him, but often it is a point of insecurity.

Name: Percy de Valles

Age: 19
Kin: Neville de Valles (Father), Mara de Valles (Mother)
City-State: Lytane
Job: Glass Smith

Name: Clara Kenia

Age: 17
Kin: Nikali Kenia (Father), Megara Kenia (Mother)
City-State: Valaire
Job: Unemployed
Looks: With long blonde-red hair, Clara is partly beautiful. It her eyes and paleness that are a turn off.  She stares off into space, with brown eyes that see more than what other people see, and her sickly paleness is the only tone her skin knows. Clara is short and slight and with her lack of appetite she is little more than skin and bones.
Personality: Clara is bitter. She is angry at the world, hurting, and in pain. Family circumstances have led to Clara's hate and that's all she feels she is. Yes, others have it worse. Yes, her situation could be worse. Does that matter though? To Clara it doesn't. Her mind is against her, whispers fill her ears and shadows stalk her every move, and Clara can't escape them. The voices tell her to take revenge on the merchant that ruined her father, that it's ok to kill if the act is justice, and they tell her to steal and lie and all Clara wants is to leave. She wants to leave the voices and the shadows that follow and mock her behind and go to Lytane or be with the Drifters or some place else where she isn't Clara Kenia. Here in Valaire, Clara is nothing. She's alone in life, no real friends or family to turn to, and it's better that way, it really is, because when she's alone she doesn't get stared at or talked about in hushed voices. It's because she mutters to herself sometimes, responds to the voices in her head, and has random fits. Her mood changes like the wind's directions. Clara yells and screams in anger one minute and is sobbing the next. When Clara laughs it is with almost manic enthusiasm. She is wild, uncontrollable, marked by Reave some say, because it is Reave that affects your mind. It is those that want to categorize Clara that say that, but really she doesn't fit in anywhere. She is too different to have a proper place in society.
History: Her father died of heart conditions when she was twelve. Her mother lost her job when Clara was thirteen. Clara's father went bankrupt before he died and her mother's lack of job ended the mother and daughter combination on the streets. Clara was an average child and her average ways continued till she turned fifteen. That's when the shadows started flickering at the edges of her vision. Soon after voices joined in and Clara's dreams grew more intense and vivid. Waking hours and dreams blurred together. Clara recovered- to an extent -and now she can function, but sleep doesn't come easily and when it does come Clara wakes up screaming or crying at all early hours of the morning.

Name: Gabriel Ikaba

Age: 25
City-State: Valaire
Job: Peace Keeper 

Name: Leanne Singer

Age: 20
City-State: Lytane
Job: Musician

Name: Joseph "Seph" Markay 

Age: 20
Kin:  Arthur Markay (Father), Eve Markay (Mother)
City-State: Valaire
Job: Carpenter
Looks: Seph has black hair and blue eyes. He's got a nice smile. Not a smile that makes girls go weak at the knees, but a cute one with dimples and white teeth. He's not particularly handsome, but he isn't unattractive by any means. He's lean and has the muscles that come along with his trade. Strong but slim, Seph has worked with wood for many years, and his tan skin and muscular arms are evidence of that. His hands are calloused with a few small scars scattered around his fingers and one larger faded line of scar on his forearm. Sometimes Seph feels insecure about his hands. The scars can be seen in certain lights, more visible if Seph's sleeves are rolled up, and even though they come with the trade Seph still likes to hind them wearing dark brown leather, fingerless gloves.
Personality: Seph isn't a charmer. He doesn't lead people on and he doesn't make any promises he doesn't intend to keep. Seph is honest, hardworking, and confident. When Seph knows what he wants he goes for it. It's as simple as that. He's nice too. Not nice in a fake, I'm-being-nice-for-my-benefit way, but in a genuinely nice way. Seph is polite and well mannered and even tempered. He doesn't lose his cool and he's only ever gotten into one major fist fight, and that was when he was younger. He's firm but not demanding and he's kind but not a push over. Seph likes to laugh and tries to enjoy life. He's positive a lot of the time and when he's feeling negative or sad he does his best not to show it. Seph's a bit shy when it comes to girls but he's got a few close guy friends. In the end, Seph just wants everyone to be happy.
*Flair: Seph makes things that don't break easily. They don't get damaged, scratched, or destroyed without a person wanting to do it and setting out to purposely destroy Seph's work.
*History: Seph's childhood was easy. He didn't have any lack of food or toys. Seph would play with other local higher class children and go to lessons with them.Things were good. Life was simple. He discovered his love for building things when he was six. By that time, Seph no longer worked with wooden blocks, instead he got his hands on their neighbor's tools and built a small bridge out of scrap wood and glue. Basic lessons and schooling was finished at twelve years of age. Seph took more advanced classes but he also got an apprenticeship from a well known and respected carpenter. Harder lessons in school mixed with daily lessons with wood made Seph push himself to succeed. He learned math and the many types of wood. He learned English and writing and how to pick out the best pieces of wood to make the most sturdy objects that would sell well. Seph practiced and practiced until he was eighteen. He had learned everything there was to know about his trade, and it was that year that his master decided to retire. Seph bought the shop and continued the work, this time as his own master. He's done well for himself in his first two years. Seph is building a house now in his spare time. He moved from his small apartment back to his parent's house in order to save for the materials that are needed for his house. Seph knows about his parent's rules. Most likely he'll have to pick a girl from a list his parents give him and he'll have to marry her, but as his priorities are elsewhere he doesn't think of his parent's ideas and goals as often as he should. Not a thought about an absolute arranged marriage with no choice what so ever entered Seph's head.

Name: Jay Atral

Age: 21
Kin: Tyr Atral (Brother), Miranda Atral (Sister), Keera Atral (Cousin)
Looks: This Atral has dark hair and odd blue eyes. It's how he got his name, Jay, from the blue birds that his mother adored when she spent time in Valaire. He's the tallest among the younger generation, though that might be because he's the oldest and therefore has had the most time to grow, and he's lean from the small meals that make up a Drifter's diet. Jay has rather sharp features with a wide chin. He looks older than he is, but that's something that often comes with being a Drifter. It's the eyes that have seen much, the body that has endured sandstorms, the mind that weighs down the shoulders with thoughts about food and places to sleep. He's twenty-one, but he could easily pass for around twenty-six in Lytane or Valaire.
Personality: Jay is serious. He's a man of the desert, of the heat and sand and fluctuating night temperatures, a man used to the hardship of finding food and water. He's serious and dutiful, but despite that his younger family members love him. He takes time to teach them how to make a spear or javelin, or how to shoot a sling to hit desert creatures that are edible. Jay is not necessarily good with kids, but he takes time out of his schedule to entertain them. His Flair allows him to comfort the children. For years some of them would crawl into his tent, onto his sleeping mat, and burrow under Jay's blanket. He would hug them and his body would go to a temperature that would allow the child or, on some nights, children, to sleep peacefully. Jay's noble-minded but realistic.
Oddities: Jay isn't particularly brilliant with knives or javelins, but he is one of the best in the family with sling shots. He has good eyes for small details and long distance items and he never misses a little desert creature when he's shooting pebbles.
Flair: His temperature is always changing with the environment. If it's burning hot outside, Jay's Flair allows his body to stay cool. If the air is cold, Jay stays warm.
History: From the beginning, going back to before Jay was born, his mother wasn't the healthiest woman. Her pregnancy with Jay was dangerous so she and the man who was her husband went to Valaire. She liked the fresh air and having plants nearby, but once Jay was born (after much pain and fear and stress) the couple returned to the desert. Jay's siblings, Tyr and Miranda, were both easier on their mother, though the healer from their family told her that there should be no more children, or else it would be at Jay's mother's expense. Jay is the oldest among the latest generation of Atral's. He's spent nearly his entire life on the sands of the Harran Desert with his family. He has hunted and scavenged and boiled water from the ocean to make it drinkable. Desert skirmishes didn't happen often, but Jay saw enough and participated in two to know how they worked. When his family's camp was attacked in the night, Jay grabbed his pack and rounded up everyone younger then him. He urged them forward to a cave he knew of, one hidden through a crevice in a rocky cliff. He saved his cousins and his brother, but in the confusion he lost Miranda. His only sister, barely eight years old, lost in the clamor and fighting. Jay is angry at himself for not taking care of her, but at the same time he knows he has to care for his other relatives. Jay can't drop everything to search desperately for a child in the desert, especially since it's practically a suicide mission going alone. And Jay would have to go alone for he is the one most used to living on the open desert and others would only slow him down. He hates himself for the decision not to go out and search everywhere for Miranda, but his obligation is to the family unit, not one member. It kills him to let her go without a fight, but it is necessary to protect what he has.

Name: Wesley Harper

Age: 26
City-State: Valaire
Occupation: Tactician
Looks: The Tactician of Valaire has longer then average dirty blonde hair. His eyes are blue like a clear river. Wesley's features are sharp with higher cheekbones and a narrow chin.
Personality: Wesley is smart. He has the type of mind to see scenarios that might occur and he knows how to react to the problems that might arise. He is well known among the soldiers as he supervises many of the training sessions for the more advanced soldiers who are advancing in rank. Wesley isn't just a brilliant mind and a strategizing genius, he is also a weapons master. Wesley can be ruthless, willing to take risks in battle even at the cost of lives. That doesn't mean that he doesn't care; he does, but he understands that wars have to won no matter what.
Flair: Wesley's Flair is the ability to process information and learn things very quickly. From needlework to fencing to cooking, Wesley has a gift for learning faster then other people.
History: Wesley is the youngest tactician that Valaire has ever had. He took the position a month after his 25th day of birth and it still surprises Wesley that he was chosen. As it is tradition that the former tactician pick three men to be successor candidates, Wesley was one of the three to learn from the master himself. Then the master took sick, one of the other candidates was killed in a foolish fight, and then the other candidate was injured badly in a horse riding accident. The master died and Wesley, though he was very young, was the only logical choice. Wesley had a good childhood, with kind parents that instilled a sense of duty and respect in him, and that has served him well enough. His father was a peace keeper, his mother a cook in the Quatumvrate's palace, and they raised Wesley with the thought that he could be anything., anyone, with enough hard work. It was only reasonable for him to go into military service. Wesley was only learning to crawl when the King for a Day took the throne and Wesley's father was forced to hide or otherwise be forced into the service of the child-king. Wesley's mother was kept at the castle and banned from leaving, instead having to feed the army of rebels and make elaborate meals worthy of the King for a Day and his advisors. When the last surviving member of the Quatumvrate led a force against the child-king, Wesley's father fought and killed one of the child-king's known advisors. Even Wesley's mother fought a bit, a large kitchen knife as her weapon. It was these stories, perhaps, that led to Wesley's ambition to be great. He wanted to prevent something like the Days of Darkness from happening ever again and he aimed for a high position in the government of Valaire. Now he's the tactician and things couldn't be more right for Wesley.

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